Are you thinking of getting some adorable baby chicks but not sure where to start? Well, fear not my friend! Raising baby chicks is a fun and rewarding experience, and with a little bit of knowledge and effort, you'll be a pro in no time. Here are some tips on how to take care of baby chicks and make sure they thrive…
First things first, you'll need a brooder. A brooder is a warm, safe place for your chicks to live until they're big enough to move to their permanent coop. You can make your own brooder using a large cardboard box or plastic storage bin - we sell some good options here in the warehouse. Make sure the brooder has plenty of space for the chicks to move around, and keep it warm using a heat lamp or heat pad.
Next up, feed your chicks a high-quality chick starter feed. Chick starter feed contains all the nutrients your chicks need to grow and develop properly. We recommend Scratch & Peck’s Organic Chick Starter, so your chicks can be organic from day one. Make sure to offer your chicks fresh water at all times and change it frequently to prevent bacteria growth.
Now, let's talk about playtime! Baby chicks love to play and explore, so make sure they have plenty of space to do so. You can create a playpen using cardboard or mesh, or let them roam around in a safe, enclosed outdoor area. Just make sure they're protected from predators such as cats, hawks, and small children!
As your chicks grow, they'll start to develop feathers and become more independent. When they're about 6-8 weeks old (or a bit older if it’s still chilly at night!), it's time to move them to their permanent coop. Make sure the coop is clean, dry, and secure from predators. Offer your chickens plenty of fresh water, food, and a comfortable place to roost. You'll also want to make sure the coop is well-ventilated and cleaned regularly to prevent disease and bacteria growth. We sell many products, like cedar shavings and diatomaceous earth, to aid in your coop maintenance.
Last but not least, enjoy your feathered friends! Raising baby chicks is a fun and rewarding experience that will bring your whole family joy and laughter. Take the time to bond with your chicks and watch them grow into beautiful hens. Remember, happy chickens lay the best eggs, so make sure to give them lots of love, attention and treats. And who knows, you may even become a backyard chicken enthusiast and start a whole flock!
If you're interested in learning more about raising backyard chickens and having fresh eggs, don't hesitate to ask our knowledgeable employees for more information during your next visit to our shop. Our staff is passionate about chickens and can provide you with tips and advice on how to make the transition to having a backyard flock as easy as possible. They can also help you choose the right supplies, foods and supplements to ensure that your chickens have everything they need to thrive. So next time you stop by, strike up a conversation with our friendly staff and discover how easy and fun having backyard chickens can be!